Thursday, 11 October 2007


The challange i've set for myself is to learn how to take photos of humans. My newfound friend and classmate Emelie was willing to be my model and therefore, it might appear more pictures of Emelie. It is a work in progress but some of the first round's pictures turned out rather well.

The first set of pictures are taken in Lund and this one is from inside the big church.

Model: Emelie Lindberg

Sunday, 30 September 2007

Late summer.

One of the "end of summer" photos I talked about. Im sure i'll upload more.


This is a picture of Ebba, my cousin.

Thursday, 27 September 2007


I've finally had a few minutes over to update my blog. This photo was taken as late as yesterday right outside where i live.

Sunday, 9 September 2007

Pre - Autum photos coming up...

I've been out in my garden all afternoon trying to hunt some nice photos of the dying summer. Everything is still green and the apples are ready to transform into pies.
In just a few weeks now autum will be all around and to be honest I don't quite like it. I've never understood the colours everyone is talking about. For me it's more of a grey and brown season, the colours I like the least.

With the photos from today I might do some collage or serie of photos. I need to think about it. Its quite a few.
They will be uploaded on the blogg soon enough.

Saturday, 8 September 2007


I've just started my Uni-course last week and i realise I'll have plenty of schoolwork to handle every week. Although, I will try to update my blogg regulary. My plan is to try to finish one photo a week but obviously, I can't be to sure. It's all about the weeks workload really.

I'm studying English on university level ( clearly not as a native speaker) at Lunds University in the south of Sweden. I'm looking forward to get properly started with the course and I am already finding it very interesting. Connections between Scandinavian languages and English are fascinating...

Saturday, 25 August 2007

Jannice and Richard

This is my good friend Jannice and her lovely boyfriend Richard. I met up with them earlier today and took pics like the mad person I am. I fell for this picture even tho Richard looks slightly tired in it. Didnt make him or the picture look bad tho, thats what I like. Jannice has the most amazing hair and I think it is captured well in this photo and also, she has a very pretty expression that fits her features well. The Photo is taken at the trainstation in Lund.

Thursday, 23 August 2007

Nothing to fear...

I wasnt sure i wanted to upload this one because i'm not quite pleased with it. I find it rather boring and pointless to be honest but then again, on a second glance its quite interesting to watch. I'm confused =S.

Wednesday, 22 August 2007


This is from where i live, its my house against a lovely evening sky.

Friday, 17 August 2007


Same beebut i've worked with it differently. I really like the resault this time.


Kitten photos can't go wrong!

Thursday, 16 August 2007


This photo is best to be watched with some music I suppose. Its me in one of teh rooms in my house we hardly use anymore.

Wednesday, 15 August 2007


Another England Shot!
Not very ordinary but who will ever get tired of them...Roses!

Hve you seen this man?

Another shoot from the serie of photos i took the other day. I'm not as pleased with this one, but its hard to judge by yourself when you actually took the photo.
The photo show me holding up picture stripes of my dad. He is no longer with us and i was suprised when i found these picture stripes among his old things. Mainly because he looks a lot like me and i have'nt noticed that before but also i realised where all of my crazy expressions came from. =)

Monday, 13 August 2007


This might not just be the finished peice... i'm not quite happy with the colour yet. But i'll let it be for now i think.

In the backround you see my mighty head and where my face should be is my lovely mum. On the picture she is my age.


Another experimet with my new camera, which i'm bery pleased with =). After a few poses that might apear here at some point I decided for the one you see above.
The legs are my own and so are the skirt and the wall behind =P.
Have a great day!

Monday, 6 August 2007


This is probably not the finished version but i need some time to think about it. Its from todays adventures with the camera.


This is also a photo from my time in England. I used the Canon eos 400d.

Thursday, 2 August 2007



This is a photo of my boyfriend Tom. Its taken just a couple of weeks ago in England with Tom's mum's camera. The Canon EOS 400d that i now concider myself the proud owner of.

Tuesday, 31 July 2007


Thos photo is also from earlier this year, Malmö, Sweden. I used my old Nikon, compact camera.


This photo is from February this year and is taken on a graveyard in Malmö, Sweden.
I used my old Nikon, compact camera.

Jhonny Wu

This is my classmate from last year and it is my first portrait of a human. I used my boyfriends Sony, compact camera which is slightly better than my old Nikon.

The photo is from earlier this year.

A Breath Away

This is one of the first photos i took with an aim to make it look artistic.
I used my old Nikon, compact camera and the photo is also from before i knew anything about Photoshop.
The photo is from June 2006.
// Elli

Saturday, 28 July 2007

Another Flower

My boyfriends mum, Emma was kind enough to let me borrow her Canon EOS 400D ( which I will buy as soon as i get back to Sweden) and i ended up taking a good amount of pictures in their garden.
I took this photo the 15 of July in England.