Tuesday, 31 July 2007


Thos photo is also from earlier this year, Malmö, Sweden. I used my old Nikon, compact camera.


This photo is from February this year and is taken on a graveyard in Malmö, Sweden.
I used my old Nikon, compact camera.

Jhonny Wu

This is my classmate from last year and it is my first portrait of a human. I used my boyfriends Sony, compact camera which is slightly better than my old Nikon.

The photo is from earlier this year.

A Breath Away

This is one of the first photos i took with an aim to make it look artistic.
I used my old Nikon, compact camera and the photo is also from before i knew anything about Photoshop.
The photo is from June 2006.
// Elli

Saturday, 28 July 2007

Another Flower

My boyfriends mum, Emma was kind enough to let me borrow her Canon EOS 400D ( which I will buy as soon as i get back to Sweden) and i ended up taking a good amount of pictures in their garden.
I took this photo the 15 of July in England.