Sunday, 30 September 2007

Late summer.

One of the "end of summer" photos I talked about. Im sure i'll upload more.


This is a picture of Ebba, my cousin.

Thursday, 27 September 2007


I've finally had a few minutes over to update my blog. This photo was taken as late as yesterday right outside where i live.

Sunday, 9 September 2007

Pre - Autum photos coming up...

I've been out in my garden all afternoon trying to hunt some nice photos of the dying summer. Everything is still green and the apples are ready to transform into pies.
In just a few weeks now autum will be all around and to be honest I don't quite like it. I've never understood the colours everyone is talking about. For me it's more of a grey and brown season, the colours I like the least.

With the photos from today I might do some collage or serie of photos. I need to think about it. Its quite a few.
They will be uploaded on the blogg soon enough.

Saturday, 8 September 2007


I've just started my Uni-course last week and i realise I'll have plenty of schoolwork to handle every week. Although, I will try to update my blogg regulary. My plan is to try to finish one photo a week but obviously, I can't be to sure. It's all about the weeks workload really.

I'm studying English on university level ( clearly not as a native speaker) at Lunds University in the south of Sweden. I'm looking forward to get properly started with the course and I am already finding it very interesting. Connections between Scandinavian languages and English are fascinating...